Looking through tags, I noticed that there are many different kinds of tags excerpt. A few examples:
For questions about the Creality Ender 3 family of 3D printers
Questions about the 3D printer firmware Marlin.
when a logical or systematic search for the source of a problem in order to solve it is requested.
helps to specify that the question is concerned with the material the print itself is made from. This includes 'filament' as a subgroup but also SL…
should involve a 3D printer that is manufactured by Monoprice and branded by the name MP Select Mini 3D Printer v1/v2/pro.
I wanted to add excerpt to another tag, but it looks like there is no template for it. Each tag is written differently and it looks a bit messy. In addition, in many cases, tag excerpt is too long.
I have already read What should a tag wiki excerpt contain?, but I would also like to know what should be the template for a tag excerpt?